the future of work requires we work together

Lean Agile
Visual Management 
Certification (LAVM)

Remote work, distributed decision making, rapidly changing markets, and unprecedented complexity would be enough for most people, but we can add greater diversity, constant onboarding, shifting priorities, and people just "being weird." 

As a team member, a team lead, a group lead, or upper management, we have to deal with a lot.

The LAVM program was created specifically to help navigate these waters. Find greater collaborative skills, deeper understanding of how people work, how work flows (and to keep it flowing), navigate office politics, and how to deal with the weird. 

Become a Pro Visual Collaborative Manager | Solve Problems Immediately | Build Lasting Alignment | Work With People (Not Manage Them)

Graphical representation of the course curriculum using sticky notes cascading down like a waterfall

How Do Teams Work?

Managers become managers because of merit (or worse reasons), but rarely because they are trained or experienced in collaboration, work flow, or creating a good culture. LAVM specifically addresses how people work in teams and how to build a culture that lets each and every one of them act with confidence.

How Do We Build a Real Professional Engine?

Your team is there do things. They (and you) are there to plan, design, build, learn, finish, and take pride in their work Business and agencies stand in their way. LAVM teaches ways to create structure to ensure professionals complete work, find reward, and leave the work day in a better state than when they woke up.

What Are Real Collaborative Tools?

Collaborative Tools are not a site you subscribe to on the internet, they are things (many, plural) you deploy when the time is right.  The right work at the right time with the right tools.  In LAVM, we bring new tools in every stage and every module (see below). But, importantly, we talk about when to use the tools and how to understand your context. 

Collaborate effectively. | Deal with complexity. | Visualize as a team. | Build a Right Environment | Act with Confidence.

Make Work Clear to Everyone

End the questions, the re-work, the confusion: complete with confidence.

Collaborate Effectively and Constantly

Solo work is silos of one: create systems that keep everyone informed.

Build it and Remember it.

Visual management shows your goals, plans, learning, and product. Improvement is constant.

Have Real Retrospectives

Your Retro is only as useful as your ability to find ways to improve, together.

Our students & our impact

The LAVM program has been a game-changer for me, both in my personal growth and in my role at work. I been able to successfully incorporate the invaluable VSM exercise and I've also witnessed its organic adoption across different departments. Most importantly, the program has provided me with the tools to better understand and articulate the crucial human and cultural aspects of our work, effectively banishing any imposter syndrome I once felt. Thank you, Modus Family; this journey of learning and transformation is just beginning.
Dan eberle
The Modus Institute Certification and Accreditation courses were one of the best choices professionally I’ve ever made. Not only did I learn a ton, adopting LAVM practices is a way of life easy to embrace… Beautiful, really, in its way. Plus, the PEOPLE I met! Modus Institute community rocks!
Genevieve Getman-Sowa
This course has changed my career, mindset, and way of living. I've left fear behind and now feel ready to interpret and act my work and life in ways I hadn't even thought of before. If you're looking for one course that will break toxic myths, refresh your point of view, and offer real practical methods to solve problems with, this is the one.
Bryan cardillo

The Content:
Five stages provide depth.
Learn with others to give your teams clarity, focus, and truly impressive results.

What's included?

  • 4 Stages
  • 1 Certification / Accreditation
  • 20+ Tools
  • 12 Detailed Assignment
  • 40+ Videos and Lectures

Study Better Together

Walk the walk:

Join dozens of students in LAVM world-wide.  Meet with Jim and Toni each month. Work on collaborative projects solving deep problems and learning by doing.  

Visual & Effective

See it all:

Every video, every conversation takes real-world difficult situations we face every day and employs visual systems for teams to focus on the work, solve the problems at hand, and act with confidence.
Meet the instructorS

Jim and Tonianne

Jim and Toni wrote the Shingo-award winning book Personal Kanban and have traveled to every continent (except Antarctica) find their right environment: helping individuals and teams see their work, choose the right amount to do at a time, and complete with confidence.

For 15 years, they have worked with individuals, startups, agencies, all the way up to Fortune 10 companies and the United Nations... helping people who want to calm bureaucracy, focus on the right work, and collaborate meet their goals.
Patrick Jones - Course author