Your Meetings Don't Have
to Suck!

Freedom from boredom!

Create meetings that work!

Make Decisions.
Work Through Challenges.
Build Awesome Together.

Collaborate, create tangible results, and make the most of your time together.
Write your awesome label here.
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Start "I'm Glad We Got Together to Work this Out." | Stop "How Many Status Meetings Do We Need?!" | Start "We Totally Rocked that Emergency!" | Stop "This Could Have Been an E-Mail." |

Meetings That Actually Get Work Done

Why Do Meetings Suck?

We work in companies to be in the company of others. We need to collaborate, but we simply have no idea how to set up simply meetings to achieve a purpose. We are stuck having meetings where people talk themselves to death and don't remember a thing that was said.

How Do We Have Effective Meetings?

The only reason to have a meeting is to work with other people. We need to decide, cerate, or solve. This requires not only a goal, but a path to get to success. Think of each meeting as a game, that game has actions you take to win. It also takes a way to play the game...a gameboard.

Every Meeting Has A Structure.

When we get to the meeting, we need that game. We need a system lays out clear steps of stating the goal, gathering ideas, exploring ideas, and then building a way to success.

Chris Combe

I cannot stress the enough, [the Modus Team] are the best, most humane, people who genuinely care about people, collaboration and work.

Kristina Damschen Spina

The work we (at my job) are doing now is absolutely a result of the special ingredient [Modus Institute] provides We are collaborating in a way that makes [our work] poetry and then music.

Sarah Chan

I cannot say enough about the unique approach that Modus takes to Lean/Agile/Kanban/Collaboration/etc. I will continue to draw on all that I have learned, stay in touch and recommend this course to others.
IN detail - Deeper videos for

Meetings that Work

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Thushyanthan and Dave
discuss why this class
had an impact on them.
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Meetings are the core
of working together.

What's in the class and
why it's important to Jim.
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How Modus
Can Work 
With You.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructorS

Jim and Tonianne

Jim and Toni wrote the Shingo-award winning book Personal Kanban and have traveled to every continent (except Antarctica) teaching Personal Kanban and helping individuals and teams see their work, choose the right amount to do at a time, and complete with confidence.

For 15 years, they have worked with individuals, startups, agencies, all the way up to Fortune 10 companies and the United Nations... helping people who want to calm bureaucracy, focus on the right work, and collaborate meet their goals.